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If you have basic skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and you want to go further, here you go.

For your attention, the Interactive Software Development Course. In this course, you will participate in the development of a system for Tracking Financial Expenses

We will invest in the development of the OpenSource Community by designing such a system. We will learn to build complex systems with the possibility of expansion

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DALL·E 2024-03-09 22.06.37 - Design a widescreen illustration showing the React framework

Framework React

Meta technology

React technology is an open source JavaScript library for building user interfaces developed by Facebook (now known as Meta). It was created to facilitate the process of creating interactive, dynamic web pages and single-page applications. React allows developers to build large web applications that can change data without reloading the page.

Main features of React:

  1. Component approach: React allows you to build applications using reusable components. Each component has its own state and logic, which facilitates efficient code management and separation.

  2. Declarative style: React takes a declarative approach to describing user interfaces, which makes code more readable and easier to understand.

  3. Virtual DOM: React uses the concept of virtual DOM to improve performance. Instead of updating the real DOM directly, React creates a virtual copy of the DOM and then does the math to determine the optimal way to update the browser's DOM.

  4. Component Lifecycle: React components have several lifecycle methods that can be used to manage the process from rendering to component destruction.

  5. JSX: JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML elements in JavaScript code. This makes the structure of the component clear and simplifies the development process.

DALL·E 2024-03-09 21.55.50 - Create an illustration featuring the React logo, adapted with

"Big results require big ambitions"


Ми повинні бути там де найбільш ефективні. В мене є досвід Веб Розробки вже більше 10 років у великому спектрі технологій в тому числі React. Моя мета поділитись цим досвідом з якомога більшою кількістю людей та допомогти на економічному фронті. Весь Прибуток за виключенням витрат на підготовку цього проекту буде розподілено на Благодіність таким фондам та програмам підтримки ЗСУ

  • Благодійний фонд "Повернись живим"

  • BRAVE IT Education від 

Modern Office


Outstanding Quality

This is your Feature description. Write a short blurb explaining what the feature is and why it matters for visitors, customers or clients. Don't be afraid to toot your own horn! Take this opportunity to emphasize the important benefits or key advantages.

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